• James Dingle,

    In fact your query preforms nearly twice as badly as the original non-dynamic SQL that would have been in the initial stored procedure.

    See SQL and execution plan below.

    DECLARE @Name nvarchar(100),

    @Color nvarchar(100),

    @ListPriceMax money,

    @ListPriceMin money,

    @ModifiedDateMin datetime,

    @ModifiedDateMax datetime

    SET @Name = 'Hello'

    SET @Color = NULL

    SET @ListPriceMax = NULL

    SET @ListPriceMin = NULL

    SET @ModifiedDateMin = NULL

    SET @ModifiedDateMax = NULL

    --Query 1

    SELECT *

    FROM [Product]

    WHERE [Name] = Coalesce(@Name, [Name])

    AND [Color] LIKE Coalesce(@Color, [Color] )

    AND [ListPrice] >= Coalesce(@ListPriceMin, [ListPrice])

    AND [ListPrice] <= Coalesce(@ListPriceMax, [ListPrice])

    AND ModifiedDate >= Coalesce(@ModifiedDateMin, ModifiedDate)

    AND ModifiedDate <= Coalesce(@ModifiedDateMax, ModifiedDate)

    --Query 2


    WITH Filtering AS


    SELECT ProductId

    FROM [Product]

    WHERE @Name IS NOT NULL AND @Name = Name


    SELECT ProductId

    FROM [Product]

    WHERE @Color IS NOT NULL AND @Color = Color


    SELECT ProductId

    FROM [Product]

    WHERE NOT (@ListPriceMin IS NULL AND @ListPriceMax IS NULL)

    AND (@ListPriceMin IS NOT NULL OR ListPrice >= @ListPriceMin)

    AND (@ListPriceMax IS NOT NULL OR ListPrice <= @ListPriceMax)


    SELECT *

    FROM [Product]

    WHERE ProductID IN (SELECT ProductID

    FROM Filtering)

    AND [Name] = Coalesce(@Name, [Name])

    AND [Color] LIKE Coalesce(@Color, [Color] )

    AND [ListPrice] >= Coalesce(@ListPriceMin, [ListPrice])

    AND [ListPrice] <= Coalesce(@ListPriceMax, [ListPrice])

    AND ModifiedDate >= Coalesce(@ModifiedDateMin, ModifiedDate)

    AND ModifiedDate <= Coalesce(@ModifiedDateMax, ModifiedDate)

    Execution plans:

    Query 1 uses 35% of total cost and query 2 uses 65% of total cost.