• Thanks Lowell. The 811 after EDI refers to the format of the feed (e.g. EDI 810 and EDI 811 are invoicing EDI feeds in X12). There are others such as 850 which refers to ORDERS feeds, among many others.

    Unfortunately, due to data privacy, I cannot offer a sample feed or the schema of the feed. I was looking more to see if anyone else has implemented this type of system and the costs and efforts associated with it.

    I also just need to import the file to our system (SQL Server 2008) and parse out and normalize the data, where I will then run logic to match the invoices up to our asset inventory to produce the bills. There will also be a reporting system embedded for auditing purposes for finance folks.

    I'm still curious as to the method you approached with your .NET code - as I plan on parsing the data out with string functions (CHARINDEX to find the occurences of segment delimitters), then send each unique segment to its appropriate table. I understand if you don't want to, or are unable to provide some of that information.

    I've searched around and it's not easy finding information on methodologies used to import/process EDI feeds, so I'm open to suggestions if you think my first course of action I'm going to attempt has holes. Thanks again!!

    (Typo - Edited EDI 8100 to EDI 811 in first line and changed some wording)

    Danny Sheridan
    Comtekh, Inc.