• Hi ...

    I am currently using a similiar method in order to compare data. The Hash value is calculated as follows:


    UPPER(Isnull(convert(varchar(max), Branch), ''))

    + UPPER(Isnull(convert(varchar(max), VendorID), ''))

    + UPPER(Isnull(convert(varchar(max), VendorName), ''))

    + UPPER(Isnull(convert(varchar(max), VendorTradingName), ''))

    + UPPER(Isnull(convert(varchar(max), RegisteredCompany), ''))

    + UPPER(Isnull(convert(varchar(max), TypeOfEntity), ''))

    + UPPER(Isnull(convert(varchar(max), RegistrationNumber), ''))

    + ........ <other columns>


    I convert each field to varchar datatype and concatenate them together in order generate a value.

    Do you see any problems with this approach?

    Also, I checked the length (using Len()) of the Hash Value and the max length I have so far is 20. I have the column that holds the Hash Value as datatype varbinary(max). Should I change the size of this column?

    Thanks in advance.