• Hi,

    I've got exactly the same problem, except I can't get Dts.Log to work at all (even when I have ScriptTaskLogEntry option switched on in Logging for the script task).

    Re. the FireInformation method...

    Basically, I've tried setting logging options at the script level (to override those at the package level), and also just setting them at the script level. I've tried various combinations of events to capture (at both of the above levels) - and found that the FireInformation method logs the event regardless of whether the Information or ScriptTaskLogEntry options are switched on. I've tried not logging the Source Name column. I've tried various values in the parameters to the FireInformation method, including setting the subComponent parameter to the name of the script, the name of the package, an empty string, something else, etc.

    In all cases, I get 2 lines logged for each call to this method - one with the script name being recorded as the Source Name, and the other with the package name being recorded as the Source Name.

    Sorry I have no solution. It certainly looks like a bug!