• tlewis-993411 (5/13/2010)

    I'm not sure why the following code works

    INSERT TestTable (string)

    OUTPUT inserted.*

    Doesn't the select return more columns (ID and String) than the insert list?

    When a row is inserted into a table, SQL Server fills all columns in that row. All these columns are contaned in the 'inserted.*' construct. Some of these values are explicit, and some are implicit (NULL, identity, default value, computed value etc).

    Here is an example:

    create table #t

    ( id int identity,

    a varchar(10),

    b varchar(10) default 'hello',

    c varchar(10),

    computed_column as b + ' ' + c


    insert #t (c)

    output inserted.*

    values ('test')

    In the QOTD, the construct 'OUTPUT inserted.*' is equal to 'OUTPUT inserted.id, inserted.string'. 'Inserted.string' is an explicit column, while 'inserted.id' is an impilcit column.