• Srinath what a great call you gave about "DTS Backup 2000"!!!

    First off I couldn't get the DTS package stuff working on one of the machines. Just wouldn't work. Then found out you need the enviromental variables (path variable to be exact) in the correct order - this may negate having to copy files between the directories as proposed by krakatoa66 in the article.

    i.e references to the sql 2000 (80) should appear before sql 2005/2008 (90/100).

    Now I'd tried every trick in the book to open DTS packages on 2008, couldn't find a thing to work for certain packages.

    I'd reinstalled the DTS components, repaired them, and all sorted. I tried following this blog as well:


    Got nowhere. Was going to ask for the dll file mentioned, but turned out I had it on my machine and that too couldn't open certain packages. I think it may be a case of packages created pre SQL 2000 SP3/4.

    Then tried the DTS Backup 2000 program, and hey presto, worked a ruddy charm.

    Anyway, Srinath, that tool made all the difference! And obviousily thanks to Daren and Allan at SQLDTS.com!

