• river1 (4/29/2010)

    Point 1:

    It seems that this table backupset only contains information of the backups that where made to backup devices. At the company we make backups to file. when i make a backup like:

    backup database sgt to disk ='c:\example.BAK' the name column of the table appears as NULL , why?

    I had also suggested that you look at msdb..backupfile

    The name appears as Null because you did not give the backup a name, a complete backup statement looks like (note the inclusion of name and description, these are not always necessary, but may be helpful in some situations)

    backup database [Test] to

    disk = 'E:\TmpBkp\Test\Test__Full.bak'

    with format, init, MaxTransferSize = 4194304, BufferCount = 64,

    name = 'Test Full backup.', description = 'Test DB Full Backup 20100428'

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