• Dinesh

    Your example is interesting. Do you want to use Excel as

    an order entry form? In that case you have to secure that

    the user doesn't insert incorrect data. That can be accomplished with

    dynamic lists of values for each columns Customer name etc. The values

    will be fetched from tables in the database. Also all not used cells should

    be locked.

    Do you have examples in SSIS which will insert and extract data from the same Excel sheet?

    Also I recommend named cells as you can change the layout of the sheet

    without changing the code.

    I include a small code example.

    The database can be hosted on a remote server and the user runs Excel on a local computer. The example is not aimed for have multi user situations.

    The simple code is a part of a Module in Excel (VBA).

    You need a reference to an ActiveX Data Object.

    Sub test()

    Dim conn As New ADODB.Connection

    Dim cmd As New ADODB.Command

    'Remote server

    conn.Provider = "sqloledb"

    conn.Properties("Network Library").Value = "DBMSSOCN"

    conn.Open "Data source=name_of_server;User id=something;Database=something;Password=something"

    Sheets("Order").Select 'Sheet name in the workbook

    Set cmd.ActiveConnection = conn

    cmd.CommandText = "Insert into orders " & _

    "values ('" & Range("CustomerName").Value & "','" & Range("Address").Value & "','" & _

    Range("SalesRep").Value & "'," & _

    Range("Ordernumber").Value & ",'" & Range("OrderDate").Value & "')"



    Set cmd = Nothing

    Set conn = Nothing

    End Sub
