Home Forums SQL Server 2005 T-SQL (SS2K5) Select Statement passing ID to Next Select Statement RE: Select Statement passing ID to Next Select Statement

  • --===== I believe that this is all the information you would like. I apologize for the length of this post.

    --===== NEW TABLE TO LINK THE MOVIES AND THE CAST MEMBERS. Stores the Movie Name and the Star ID

    --===== If the test table already exists, drop it

    IF OBJECT_ID('TempDB..#MovieAndStar','U') IS NOT NULL

    DROP TABLE #MovieAndStar

    --===== Create the test table with

    CREATE TABLE #MovieAndStar


    --===== THE ID Is automatically generated in the real table

    ID uniqueidentifier PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED, --Is an IDENTITY column on real table

    Movie_Name_Full varchar(100), -- Is the Name of the Movie and the Primary Key in the Movie Table

    StarID uniqueidentifier --Is automatically generated in the Starring Table as the Primary Key


    --===== All Inserts into the IDENTITY column


    --===== Insert the test data into the test table

    INSERT INTO #MovieAndStar

    (ID, Movie_Name_Full, StarID)

    SELECT 'f5fcc4a4-f820-4c2d-a030-02f71fcc2daf','Speed','e6e0159e-4085-47d5-8920-2fe9bb996a57' UNION ALL

    SELECT '639c2354-88d6-4e65-9da8-0653dbb90556','Speed','7d790ac4-a9f9-42d1-a380-356e349459b5' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'a1a2be40-d2f4-4334-bad3-27a5585e97f6','The Blind Side','e6e0159e-4085-47d5-8920-2fe9bb996a57' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'af6557c0-6541-404b-880a-190afeb122c6','The Matrix','7d790ac4-a9f9-42d1-a380-356e349459b5' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'fa0054c7-4a12-401a-9cff-26bc41fd34dc','The Matrix','f94116b9-42ed-4231-afd9-46b7fe15a635' UNION ALL

    SELECT '002b1d3d-fbd3-4b39-8da8-3dafcf8a3638','The Matrix Reloaded','7d790ac4-a9f9-42d1-a380-356e349459b5' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'e6f2f088-2436-4292-805f-5260033f833f','The Matrix Reloaded','f94116b9-42ed-4231-afd9-46b7fe15a635' UNION ALL

    SELECT '23967285-4fa8-4449-a0e4-5a24fc1e0ce2','The Matrix Revolutions','7d790ac4-a9f9-42d1-a380-356e349459b5' UNION ALL

    SELECT '23967285-4fa8-4449-a0e4-5a24fc1e0ce2','The Matrix Revolutions','f94116b9-42ed-4231-afd9-46b7fe15a635' UNION ALL

    SELECT '9fb2688c-b351-4a28-b341-36d986e10107','CSI','f94116b9-42ed-4231-afd9-46b7fe15a635'

    --===== Set the identity insert back to normal


    --========== NEW TABLE FOR CAST MEMBERS ==========

    --===== If the test table already exists, drop it

    IF OBJECT_ID('TempDB..#Starring','U') IS NOT NULL

    DROP TABLE #Starring

    --===== Create the test table with

    CREATE TABLE #Starring


    --===== The StarID is automaticaly generated in the real table

    StarID uniqueidentifier PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED, --Is an IDENTITY column on real table

    Star_FName varchar(25),

    Star_LName varchar(25),

    Star_Image varchar(50),

    Star_Bio varchar(5000),

    Star_Website varchar(100)


    --===== All Inserts into the IDENTITY column


    --===== Insert the test data into the test table

    INSERT INTO #Starring

    (StarID, Star_FName, Star_LName, Star_Image, Star_Bio, Star_Website)

    SELECT 'e6e0159e-4085-47d5-8920-2fe9bb996a57','Sandra','Bullock,'sandra.jpg','

    Sandra Bullocks biography.

    Sandra Bullocks biography.','www.google.com' UNION ALL

    SELECT '7d790ac4-a9f9-42d1-a380-356e349459b5','Keanu','Reeves','keanu.jpg','

    Keanu Reeves biography.

    Keanu Reeves biography.','www.google.com' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'f94116b9-42ed-4231-afd9-46b7fe15a635','Laurence','Fishburne','laurence.jpg','

    Laurence Fishburnes biography.

    Laurence Fishburnes biography.','www.google.com'

    --===== Set the identity insert back to normal


    --========== NEW MOVIE TABLE ==========

    --===== If the test table already exists, drop it

    IF OBJECT_ID('TempDB..#Movie','U') IS NOT NULL

    DROP TABLE #Movie

    --===== Create the test table with



    --===== The MovieID is automatically generated in the real table

    MovieID uniqueidentifier, --Is an IDENTITY column on real table

    Movie_Name_Full varchar(100) PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED -- etc. No need to put the rest of the info in becuase it's not needed for this problem


    --===== All Inserts into the IDENTITY column


    --===== Insert the test data into the test table

    INSERT INTO #Movie

    (MovieID, Movie_Name_Full)

    SELECT '413d899c-2075-4714-aaf1-b33878f26cfb','Speed' UNION ALL

    SELECT '5ab9e518-102b-4e72-a7e1-6e6343302d50','The Blind Side' UNION ALL

    SELECT '8e76585b-3812-4a0d-a00b-3f1882999345','The Matrix' UNION ALL

    SELECT '8609e73f-d9cb-4017-aa38-5db80ea99998','The Matrix Reloaded' UNION ALL

    SELECT '0f39ca8d-620a-4681-8a75-9657649d4314','The Matrix Revolutions' UNION ALL

    SELECT '116b258e-0b4e-4770-995a-e0df89e803f6','CSI'

    --===== Set the identity insert back to normal


    --========== BELOW is my current SQL Statement, I am passing the @MovieNameFull from asp.net (VB)

    --========== This code also includes some SQL code I tried but couldn't get to work

    --========== It's painfully obvious that I have no idea what I am doing. Thanks for your understanding.

    @Movie_Name_Full varchar(100)



    -- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from interfering with SELECT statements.


    --DECLARE @StarID uniqueidentifier

    --SELECT @StarID = StarID FROM dbo.MovieAndStar WHERE Movie_Name_Full = @MovieNameFull

    -- SELECT Cast and Information about them


    SELECT MovieAndStar.Movie_Name_Full, MovieAndStar.StarID, Star_FName, Star_LName, Star_Image, Star_Bio, Star_Website --, Movie.MovieID

    FROM dbo.MovieAndStar INNER JOIN dbo.Starring

    ON MovieAndStar.StarID = Starring.CastID

    --JOIN dbo.Movie ON MovieAndStar.Movie_Name_Full = Movie.Movie_Name_Full

    WHERE MovieAndStar.Movie_Name_Full = @MovieNameFull AND MovieAndStar.StarID = Starring.StarID


    -- SELECT MovieAndStar.StarID, ID FROM dbo.MovieAndStar INNER JOIN dbo.Starring

    -- ON MovieAndStar.StarID = Starring.StarID

    -- WHERE MovieAndStar.Movie_Name_Full = @MovieNameFull AND MovieAndStar.StarID = Starring.StarID

    -- IF StarID has a value Get the Movies for the Matching Cast Member

    --IF @StarID IS NOT NULL

    -- IF MovieAndStar.StarID IS NOT NULL


    --SELECT dbo.MovieAndStar.Movie_Name_Full, dbo.Movie.MovieID FROM dbo.MovieAndStar

    --INNER JOIN dbo.Movie ON dbo.MovieAndStar.Movie_Name_Full = dbo.Movie.Movie_Name_Full

    --WHERE dbo.MovieAndStar.StarID = @StarID

    --ORDER BY Movie_Name_Full




    --========== THE OUTPUT SO FAR ==========

    --======= movie.aspx page

    --======= Movie Page

    -- <!-- This is the Section where the code above is used -->

    -- Two Columns EXAMPLE OF THE LAYOUT

    -- Star_FName Star_LName Star_Bio

    -- Star_Image Star_Bio Continued...

    -- Star_Website

    -- Other Movies that Cast Member Appears in

    -- <a href="movie.aspx?MovieID=MovieID">Movie_Name_Full</a>

    -- Example for the movie SPEED

    --Cast Members of Speed

    --Sandra Bullock Sandra Bullocks biography.

    --sandra.jpg Sandra Bullocks biography.

    -- http://www.google.com

    -- Movies Sandra appears in:

    -- NOTE: the above SQL Statement currently gives me the name of only one movie (the one for the current page)

    -- Speed

    -- NOTE: What I want is this: (ALL The Movie Names from the MovieAndStar AND the MovieID from the Movie Table

    -- <a href="movie.aspx?MovieID=413d899c-2075-4714-aaf1-b33878f26cfb">Speed</a>

    -- <a href="movie.aspx?MovieID=5ab9e518-102b-4e72-a7e1-6e6343302d50">The Blind Side</a>

    --Keanu Reeves Keanu Reeves biography.

    --keanu.jpg Keanu Reeves biography.

    -- http://www.google.com

    -- Movies Keanu appears in:

    -- <a href="movie.aspx?MovieID=413d899c-2075-4714-aaf1-b33878f26cfb">Speed</a>

    -- <a href="movie.aspx?MovieID=8e76585b-3812-4a0d-a00b-3f1882999345">The Matrix</a>

    -- <a href="movie.aspx?MovieID=8609e73f-d9cb-4017-aa38-5db80ea99998">The Matrix Reloaded</a>

    -- <a href="movie.aspx?MovieID=0f39ca8d-620a-4681-8a75-9657649d4314">The Matrix Revolutions</a>