Select Statement passing ID to Next Select Statement

  • Hello,

    I'm stuck after looking online and reading for 3 days, I would really appreciate some help.

    I have a website with a bunch of Movies. So far, I have successfully been able to populated the movie page with everything including a full list of cast members. However, I can't figure out how to grab all the movies that each cast member appears in to go with the list of actors on the individual movie page.

    Here is my current code, including some of the code I tried before:



    -- DECLARE @StarID uniqueidentifier

    -- SELECT @StarID = StarID FROM dbo.MovieAndStar WHERE Movie_Name_Full = @MovieNameFull

    -- SELECT Cast and Information about them


    SELECT MovieAndStar.Movie_Name_Full, MovieAndStar.StarID, Star_FName, Star_LName, Star_Image, Star_Bio,Star_Website --, Movie.MovieID

    FROM dbo.MovieAndStar INNER JOIN dbo.Starring

    ON MovieAndStar.StarID = Starring.StarID

    --JOIN dbo.Movie ON MovieAndStar.Movie_Name_Full = Movie.Movie_Name_Full

    WHERE MovieAndStar.Movie_Name_Full = @MovieNameFull AND MovieAndStar.StarID = Starring.StarID


    -- SELECT MovieAndStar.StarID, ID FROM dbo.MovieAndStar INNER JOIN dbo.Starring

    -- ON MovieAndStar.StarID = Starring.StarID

    -- WHERE MovieAndStar.Movie_Name_Full = @MovieNameFull AND MovieAndStar.StarID = Starring.StarID

    -- IF StarID has a value Get the Movies for the Matching Cast Member

    --IF @StarID IS NOT NULL

    -- IF MovieAndStar.StarID IS NOT NULL


    --SELECT dbo.MovieAndStar.Movie_Name_Full, dbo.Movie.MovieID FROM dbo.MovieAndStar

    --INNER JOIN dbo.Movie ON dbo.MovieAndStar.Movie_Name_Full = dbo.Movie.Movie_Name_Full

    --WHERE dbo.MovieAndStar.StarID = @StarID

    --ORDER BY Movie_Name_Full




    This code does give me all the cast for the movie, but I need all the movies that each cast member appears in. There are three tables that I need info from m-ID from the Movie table, MovieNameFull, StarID from the MandA Table and the Star Name, Biography and Website, etc. information from the S table.

    Thanks in advance for your help and/or recommendations!

  • Hi Buddy,how about you going through this following article and helping us help you?? 🙂


    When u do so, i am sure a lot of us will help u instantly...

    So please post

    1. Table Structures - CREATE TABLE scripts

    2. Constraints or Indexes in the table, - CREATE SCRIPTS


    4. Desired output - some visual representation of this.

    We could guess very little information from your post mate 🙁 !!

  • Thank you! I will read the post and update my request accordingly.

  • --===== I believe that this is all the information you would like. I apologize for the length of this post.

    --===== NEW TABLE TO LINK THE MOVIES AND THE CAST MEMBERS. Stores the Movie Name and the Star ID

    --===== If the test table already exists, drop it

    IF OBJECT_ID('TempDB..#MovieAndStar','U') IS NOT NULL

    DROP TABLE #MovieAndStar

    --===== Create the test table with

    CREATE TABLE #MovieAndStar


    --===== THE ID Is automatically generated in the real table

    ID uniqueidentifier PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED, --Is an IDENTITY column on real table

    Movie_Name_Full varchar(100), -- Is the Name of the Movie and the Primary Key in the Movie Table

    StarID uniqueidentifier --Is automatically generated in the Starring Table as the Primary Key


    --===== All Inserts into the IDENTITY column


    --===== Insert the test data into the test table

    INSERT INTO #MovieAndStar

    (ID, Movie_Name_Full, StarID)

    SELECT 'f5fcc4a4-f820-4c2d-a030-02f71fcc2daf','Speed','e6e0159e-4085-47d5-8920-2fe9bb996a57' UNION ALL

    SELECT '639c2354-88d6-4e65-9da8-0653dbb90556','Speed','7d790ac4-a9f9-42d1-a380-356e349459b5' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'a1a2be40-d2f4-4334-bad3-27a5585e97f6','The Blind Side','e6e0159e-4085-47d5-8920-2fe9bb996a57' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'af6557c0-6541-404b-880a-190afeb122c6','The Matrix','7d790ac4-a9f9-42d1-a380-356e349459b5' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'fa0054c7-4a12-401a-9cff-26bc41fd34dc','The Matrix','f94116b9-42ed-4231-afd9-46b7fe15a635' UNION ALL

    SELECT '002b1d3d-fbd3-4b39-8da8-3dafcf8a3638','The Matrix Reloaded','7d790ac4-a9f9-42d1-a380-356e349459b5' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'e6f2f088-2436-4292-805f-5260033f833f','The Matrix Reloaded','f94116b9-42ed-4231-afd9-46b7fe15a635' UNION ALL

    SELECT '23967285-4fa8-4449-a0e4-5a24fc1e0ce2','The Matrix Revolutions','7d790ac4-a9f9-42d1-a380-356e349459b5' UNION ALL

    SELECT '23967285-4fa8-4449-a0e4-5a24fc1e0ce2','The Matrix Revolutions','f94116b9-42ed-4231-afd9-46b7fe15a635' UNION ALL

    SELECT '9fb2688c-b351-4a28-b341-36d986e10107','CSI','f94116b9-42ed-4231-afd9-46b7fe15a635'

    --===== Set the identity insert back to normal


    --========== NEW TABLE FOR CAST MEMBERS ==========

    --===== If the test table already exists, drop it

    IF OBJECT_ID('TempDB..#Starring','U') IS NOT NULL

    DROP TABLE #Starring

    --===== Create the test table with

    CREATE TABLE #Starring


    --===== The StarID is automaticaly generated in the real table

    StarID uniqueidentifier PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED, --Is an IDENTITY column on real table

    Star_FName varchar(25),

    Star_LName varchar(25),

    Star_Image varchar(50),

    Star_Bio varchar(5000),

    Star_Website varchar(100)


    --===== All Inserts into the IDENTITY column


    --===== Insert the test data into the test table

    INSERT INTO #Starring

    (StarID, Star_FName, Star_LName, Star_Image, Star_Bio, Star_Website)

    SELECT 'e6e0159e-4085-47d5-8920-2fe9bb996a57','Sandra','Bullock,'sandra.jpg','

    Sandra Bullocks biography.

    Sandra Bullocks biography.','' UNION ALL

    SELECT '7d790ac4-a9f9-42d1-a380-356e349459b5','Keanu','Reeves','keanu.jpg','

    Keanu Reeves biography.

    Keanu Reeves biography.','' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'f94116b9-42ed-4231-afd9-46b7fe15a635','Laurence','Fishburne','laurence.jpg','

    Laurence Fishburnes biography.

    Laurence Fishburnes biography.',''

    --===== Set the identity insert back to normal


    --========== NEW MOVIE TABLE ==========

    --===== If the test table already exists, drop it

    IF OBJECT_ID('TempDB..#Movie','U') IS NOT NULL

    DROP TABLE #Movie

    --===== Create the test table with



    --===== The MovieID is automatically generated in the real table

    MovieID uniqueidentifier, --Is an IDENTITY column on real table

    Movie_Name_Full varchar(100) PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED -- etc. No need to put the rest of the info in becuase it's not needed for this problem


    --===== All Inserts into the IDENTITY column


    --===== Insert the test data into the test table

    INSERT INTO #Movie

    (MovieID, Movie_Name_Full)

    SELECT '413d899c-2075-4714-aaf1-b33878f26cfb','Speed' UNION ALL

    SELECT '5ab9e518-102b-4e72-a7e1-6e6343302d50','The Blind Side' UNION ALL

    SELECT '8e76585b-3812-4a0d-a00b-3f1882999345','The Matrix' UNION ALL

    SELECT '8609e73f-d9cb-4017-aa38-5db80ea99998','The Matrix Reloaded' UNION ALL

    SELECT '0f39ca8d-620a-4681-8a75-9657649d4314','The Matrix Revolutions' UNION ALL

    SELECT '116b258e-0b4e-4770-995a-e0df89e803f6','CSI'

    --===== Set the identity insert back to normal


    --========== BELOW is my current SQL Statement, I am passing the @MovieNameFull from (VB)

    --========== This code also includes some SQL code I tried but couldn't get to work

    --========== It's painfully obvious that I have no idea what I am doing. Thanks for your understanding.

    @Movie_Name_Full varchar(100)



    -- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from interfering with SELECT statements.


    --DECLARE @StarID uniqueidentifier

    --SELECT @StarID = StarID FROM dbo.MovieAndStar WHERE Movie_Name_Full = @MovieNameFull

    -- SELECT Cast and Information about them


    SELECT MovieAndStar.Movie_Name_Full, MovieAndStar.StarID, Star_FName, Star_LName, Star_Image, Star_Bio, Star_Website --, Movie.MovieID

    FROM dbo.MovieAndStar INNER JOIN dbo.Starring

    ON MovieAndStar.StarID = Starring.CastID

    --JOIN dbo.Movie ON MovieAndStar.Movie_Name_Full = Movie.Movie_Name_Full

    WHERE MovieAndStar.Movie_Name_Full = @MovieNameFull AND MovieAndStar.StarID = Starring.StarID


    -- SELECT MovieAndStar.StarID, ID FROM dbo.MovieAndStar INNER JOIN dbo.Starring

    -- ON MovieAndStar.StarID = Starring.StarID

    -- WHERE MovieAndStar.Movie_Name_Full = @MovieNameFull AND MovieAndStar.StarID = Starring.StarID

    -- IF StarID has a value Get the Movies for the Matching Cast Member

    --IF @StarID IS NOT NULL

    -- IF MovieAndStar.StarID IS NOT NULL


    --SELECT dbo.MovieAndStar.Movie_Name_Full, dbo.Movie.MovieID FROM dbo.MovieAndStar

    --INNER JOIN dbo.Movie ON dbo.MovieAndStar.Movie_Name_Full = dbo.Movie.Movie_Name_Full

    --WHERE dbo.MovieAndStar.StarID = @StarID

    --ORDER BY Movie_Name_Full




    --========== THE OUTPUT SO FAR ==========

    --======= movie.aspx page

    --======= Movie Page

    -- <!-- This is the Section where the code above is used -->

    -- Two Columns EXAMPLE OF THE LAYOUT

    -- Star_FName Star_LName Star_Bio

    -- Star_Image Star_Bio Continued...

    -- Star_Website

    -- Other Movies that Cast Member Appears in

    -- <a href="movie.aspx?MovieID=MovieID">Movie_Name_Full</a>

    -- Example for the movie SPEED

    --Cast Members of Speed

    --Sandra Bullock Sandra Bullocks biography.

    --sandra.jpg Sandra Bullocks biography.


    -- Movies Sandra appears in:

    -- NOTE: the above SQL Statement currently gives me the name of only one movie (the one for the current page)

    -- Speed

    -- NOTE: What I want is this: (ALL The Movie Names from the MovieAndStar AND the MovieID from the Movie Table

    -- <a href="movie.aspx?MovieID=413d899c-2075-4714-aaf1-b33878f26cfb">Speed</a>

    -- <a href="movie.aspx?MovieID=5ab9e518-102b-4e72-a7e1-6e6343302d50">The Blind Side</a>

    --Keanu Reeves Keanu Reeves biography.

    --keanu.jpg Keanu Reeves biography.


    -- Movies Keanu appears in:

    -- <a href="movie.aspx?MovieID=413d899c-2075-4714-aaf1-b33878f26cfb">Speed</a>

    -- <a href="movie.aspx?MovieID=8e76585b-3812-4a0d-a00b-3f1882999345">The Matrix</a>

    -- <a href="movie.aspx?MovieID=8609e73f-d9cb-4017-aa38-5db80ea99998">The Matrix Reloaded</a>

    -- <a href="movie.aspx?MovieID=0f39ca8d-620a-4681-8a75-9657649d4314">The Matrix Revolutions</a>

  • Please try to run your code in TempDB. You'll find that it's not runable at all, even after 10 or so corrections...

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  • Sorry about that. I will do my best to fix it.

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