• chileu17 (10/21/2008)

    Sorry SqlGuru :hehe: I think I couldn't explain to you my question. I do understand your point, BUT how do I implement what you are talking about?More indexes?new transactions?I know that the most probable answer is that it depends on every case right lol well I have a dedicated server with no other apps running on it. It runs on Windows server 2003 with a HD of 150 gb with a redundant SAN. We have installed a RAID 5 on it 🙁 please any suggestions are welcome. Thanks in advance again.

    Did you check the IO of this query? using set statistics io on, or any DBA tools, or just DMV -- use Hilary Cotter's blog he published a bunch I used all the time that I don't have to repeat here.

    You can break the query into smaller transactions, better indexes to get better plan (you will see IO reduced). Increase RAM, replace with faster logical or physical drives, such as change RAID 5 to RAID 10, it depends how much overhaul you want? how much money you want to spend?