Home Forums SQL Server 7,2000 T-SQL Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'IF'. RE: Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'IF'.

  • Thanks. Yes I did actually here is the full syntax, but I still get the error code:

    declare @trans_num as varchar(10)

    declare @student as varchar(10)

    select @trans_num = 'E7281649' --Nomination E number

    select @student = '45854' --Employee number

    --First change the nominee

    Update [nominees]


    [nominee_no_emp]= @student

    where id=@trans_num

    select * from course_histories where no_sch=(select no_sch from nominations where id=@trans_num) and no_emp=(select nominee_no_emp from nominees where id=@trans_num)

    select * from course_history_dtl where no_chd_po=@trans_num

    --Second insert COURSE_HISTORIES entry

    insert into course_histories (no_emp, cd_crs, no_ch_seq, no_sch, at_cd_fee, cd_ch_enrolby, dt_ch_compdt, qy_crs_ceu, cd_org, nm_lst_updt, dt_lst_updt, tx_ch_suser1, tx_ch_suser2, tx_ch_suser3, tx_ch_suser4, tx_ch_suser5, no_ch_nuser1, no_ch_nuser2, cd_seg)


    e1.no_emp as 'no_emp',

    nom.cd_crs as 'cd_crs',

    '1' as 'no_ch_seq',

    nom.no_sch as 'no_sch',


    when nom.ob_tuition is null then '0.0'

    else nom.ob_tuition

    end) as 'at_cd_fee',

    'SYSADM' as 'cd_ch_enrolby',

    GETDATE() 'dt_ch_compdt',

    nom.duty_hours as 'qy_crs_ceu',

    e1.cd_org as 'cd_org',

    'SYSADM' as 'nm_lst_updt',

    GETDATE() 'dt_lst_updt',

    e2.tx_emp_suser1 as 'tx_ch_suser1',

    e2.ad_emp_add1 + '/' + e2.ad_emp_add2 as 'tx_ch_suser2',

    e2.ad_emp_email as 'tx_ch_suser3',

    substring(e2.no_emp_phone1,1,3) + substring(e2.no_emp_phone1,5,3) + substring(e2.no_emp_phone1,9,4) as 'tx_ch_suser4',

    a.contact_name + '/' + a.contact_phone as 'tx_ch_suser5',

    null as 'no_ch_nuser1', --This field mirrors the class number and is vital for completion on training report

    replicate('', 6-len(convert(varchar,e2.no_emp_nuser2))) + convert(varchar,e2.no_emp_nuser2) + '.' +

    replicate('', 6-len(convert(varchar,e2.no_emp_nuser1))) + convert(varchar,e2.no_emp_nuser1) as 'no_ch_nuser2',

    'DWD' as 'cd_seg'


    nominations nom inner join (nominees inner join employees e1 on nominees.nominee_no_emp = e1.no_emp)

    on nom.id = nominees.id

    inner join employees_dtl e2

    on e2.no_emp = e1.no_emp

    inner join apprv_group a

    on nom.apprv_group_id = a.apprv_group_id



    --Last insert COURSE_HISTORY_DTL entry

    insert into course_history_dtl (no_emp, cd_crs, no_ch_seq, no_chd_po, cd_chd_bstat, cd_chd_btype, dt_chd_invoice, no_chd_regauth, cd_chd_pmeth, nm_lst_updt, dt_lst_updt, id_ch, dt_chd_edate)

    IF EXISTS (select transaction_date from invoice_log where doc_no=@trans_num)


    e1.no_emp as 'no_emp',

    nom.cd_crs as 'cd_crs',

    '1' as 'no_ch_seq',

    nom.id as 'no_chd_po',

    'I' as 'cd_chd_bstat',

    'OS' as 'cd_chd_btype',

    i.transaction_date as 'dt_chd_invoice',

    replicate('', 8-len(convert(varchar,e2.no_emp_nuser3))) + convert(varchar,e2.no_emp_nuser3) as 'no_chd_regauth',

    'SYSADM' as 'cd_chd_pmeth',

    'SYSADM' as 'nm_lst_updt',

    GETDATE() 'dt_lst_updt',

    (select id_ch + 1 from course_history_dtl where id_ch=(select max(id_ch) from course_history_dtl)) as 'id_ch',

    GETDATE() 'dt_chd_edate'


    nominations nom inner join (nominees inner join employees e1 on nominees.nominee_no_emp = e1.no_emp)

    on nom.id = nominees.id

    inner join employees_dtl e2

    on e2.no_emp = e1.no_emp

    inner join invoice_log i

    on nom.id = i.doc_no





    e1.no_emp as 'no_emp',

    nom.cd_crs as 'cd_crs',

    '1' as 'no_ch_seq',

    nom.id as 'no_chd_po',

    'I' as 'cd_chd_bstat',

    'OS' as 'cd_chd_btype',

    null as 'dt_chd_invoice',

    replicate('', 8-len(convert(varchar,e2.no_emp_nuser3))) + convert(varchar,e2.no_emp_nuser3) as 'no_chd_regauth',

    'SYSADM' as 'cd_chd_pmeth',

    'SYSADM' as 'nm_lst_updt',

    GETDATE() 'dt_lst_updt',

    (select id_ch + 1 from course_history_dtl where id_ch=(select max(id_ch) from course_history_dtl)) as 'id_ch',

    GETDATE() 'dt_chd_edate'


    nominations nom inner join (nominees inner join employees e1 on nominees.nominee_no_emp = e1.no_emp)

    on nom.id = nominees.id

    inner join employees_dtl e2

    on e2.no_emp = e1.no_emp

