Home Forums SQL Server 7,2000 Strategies ETL: 22 char unique key in source to 16 char unique key in target? RE: ETL: 22 char unique key in source to 16 char unique key in target?

  • I suppose you have some auto-generator for unique 16-char codes.

    Let's say it's encapsulated in function dbo.GenerateUnique16key.

    Then you should have something like this:

    Create TABLE dbo.AccountIdentifiers (

    TwentyTwo char(22) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,

    Sixteen char(16) NOT NULL DEFAULT (dbo.GenerateUnique16key)


    When new records arrive insert 22-char codes into this table.

    Table will generate 16-chars unique codes and assign them to imported 22 char codes.

    Then mapping (converting) will be easy once and forever.

    Code for TallyGenerator