• Ok, this isn't the most elegant solution, but is is a proper "Simple Random Sample" and is very fast


    FAST Simple Random Sample from a source table using pseudo random number generator RAND()


    Sample Size is set following the "select top"

    Copy and paste more random value subqueries than the sample size

    If the sample size is more than 20% of the source table size, you may have to include many time the sample size of random value subqueries

    and if more than 50%, consider changing the query to exlude the random rows.

    Modify the @SourceRowCount and the first part of the query for your source table name (dbo.phrases in this example)

    A random seed is used, but a fixed one can be used if desired


    Does not use NEWID for randomness, which is not technically a Random Number Genrator

    Is FAST, even when the source table is large Select 10 from 10 million in 6 seconds, 1000 in 8 seconds

    Does not rely on data page assumptions (see TABLESAMPLE)


    Not TRUE random numbers

    See Also:


    Presents three methods for random samples

    1) Cursors and RAND() Cursor Overhead

    2) Rand( ROW ID) Bad randomness

    3) NewID


    Documentation for TABLESAMPLE

    1) Can only be used on true tables, not linked, views, XML, etc

    2) Samples pages, not rows, if pages contain correlated row its no longer a simple random sample



    Find the number of rows in the source table


    declare @SourceRowCount integer

    select @SourceRowCount=COUNT(*) from dbo.phrases


    Initialize the random number generator with a random seed (or a particular seed)


    declare @d integer

    set @d=RAND() --set @d=RAND(an integer)


    Create Source table from the desired table and ROW_NUMBER()

    Join Source to a table of random values between

    Select top n from a slightly larger set


    select * from

    (select *, ROW_NUMBER() over(order by GETDATE()) as Row from dbo.phrases)

    as source,

    (select top 10 n from

    (select convert(integer, RAND()*@SourceRowCount) as n union all

    select convert(integer, RAND()*@SourceRowCount) as n union all

    select convert(integer, RAND()*@SourceRowCount) as n union all

    select convert(integer, RAND()*@SourceRowCount) as n union all

    select convert(integer, RAND()*@SourceRowCount) as n union all

    select convert(integer, RAND()*@SourceRowCount) as n union all

    select convert(integer, RAND()*@SourceRowCount) as n union all

    select convert(integer, RAND()*@SourceRowCount) as n union all

    select convert(integer, RAND()*@SourceRowCount) as n union all

    select convert(integer, RAND()*@SourceRowCount) as n union all

    select convert(integer, RAND()*@SourceRowCount) as n union all

    select convert(integer, RAND()*@SourceRowCount) as n union all

    select convert(integer, RAND()*@SourceRowCount) as n union all

    select convert(integer, RAND()*@SourceRowCount) as n union all

    select convert(integer, RAND()*@SourceRowCount) as n union all

    select convert(integer, RAND()*@SourceRowCount) as n union all

    select convert(integer, RAND()*@SourceRowCount) as n union all

    select convert(integer, RAND()*@SourceRowCount) as n union all

    select convert(integer, RAND()*@SourceRowCount) as n union all

    select convert(integer, RAND()*@SourceRowCount) as n)

    as tmp)

    as R where source.Row=R.n