• I have been documenting our database platform for nearly 9 years. We use structured headers for stored procedures and views (including summary, parameters, blocks, remarks and about a dozen others), and my tool Document X! parses those objects and creates an HTML documentation project. I then import that into a RoboHelp 8 project and create a searchable, indexed Web Help project that I publish on the company intranet. Document X! does a great job pulling out the logical relationships in the databases, including all dependencies (in both directions), and the scripts and schemas. I get the stored procedures, views, tables, and any other object I might want to include in the technical documentation (defaults, user defined functions, user defined data types, full text catalogs). I can even get permissions if necessary. The value of publishing it as a RoboHelp Web site is that all of the objects are fully searchable so that you can find things fast. The other value: the entire software development and database administration team has a structure and methodology to hang their documentation on so that standards prevail within the team as a whole. In the early years of the project, I spent a lot time in the code itself writing comments. In the last few years, only developers write the comments to their code. Document X! even picks up the version comments generated automatically by the team's version control tool, so that the name of the developer, the date, the version, and a version comment is captured and published to the documentation web site. One place for all comments. I have the option as well to publish the full text of the stored procedures, or just the comments and headers. My site includes everything.