• Jason, excellent article, in particular your second method for tracking growth. Thanks for taking the time to develop this and then share it with the community.

    In your SQL running code do you feel there is any advantage to be had in trapping the actual SQL running at the time rather than the last batch, which I think yours traps. I am thinking of something like this (I take no credit for this code)

    SELECT SDER.[session_id], SDER.[request_id],SDER.[statement_start_offset],



    WHEN SDER.[statement_start_offset] > 0 THEN

    --The start of the active command is not at the beginning of the full command text

    CASE SDER.[statement_end_offset]

    WHEN -1 THEN

    --The end of the full command is also the end of the active statement

    SUBSTRING(DEST.TEXT, (SDER.[statement_start_offset]/2) + 1, 2147483647)


    --The end of the active statement is not at the end of the full command

    SUBSTRING(DEST.TEXT, (SDER.[statement_start_offset]/2) + 1, (SDER.[statement_end_offset] - SDER.[statement_start_offset])/2)



    --1st part of full command is running

    CASE SDER.[statement_end_offset]

    WHEN -1 THEN

    --The end of the full command is also the end of the active statement



    --The end of the active statement is not at the end of the full command

    LEFT(DEST.TEXT, (SDER.[statement_end_offset]/2) +1)


    END AS [executing statement],

    DEST.[text] AS [full statement code]

    FROM sys.[dm_exec_requests] SDER CROSS APPLY sys.[dm_exec_sql_text](SDER.[sql_handle]) DEST

    WHERE SDER.session_id > 50

    ORDER BY SDER.[session_id], SDER.[request_id]
