• running sql 2008 enterprise and this script fails 🙁

    it repeats the message >

    Msg 208, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

    Invalid object name 'tablename'.

    for each one of my tables....

    I believe you've omitted the schemaname from the code

    The script will work fine if you have one schema in the database and run it as a user who has that schema as their default.

    e.g. at line 295 where it loops tables to get>

    SET @Tmp = ' UPDATE #ClusteredIndexes

    SET TableRowCount = (SELECT COUNT(*)

    FROM '+@TableName+'

    WHERE ClusteredIndexID = ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR,@ClusteredIndexID) + ')

    WHERE ClusteredIndexID = ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR,@ClusteredIndexID) + ' '

    You need to add the schemaname to the code to pick up the row counts correctly. Otherwise the script could also fail if 2 or more tables are named the same but belong to different schemas (e.g. Import.MyData and Processing.MyData)

    I would also suggest an alternative (faster) way of getting your row counts >


    S.name as schemaname,

    T.name as tablename,



    sys.partitions P Join

    sys.tables T On

    P.object_Id = T.object_id Join

    sys.schemas S On

    T.schema_id = S.schema_id


    P.index_id in (0,1)

    Looks really good though when these are ironed out and i'd certainly use.

    Inspired..., thank you.



    Richard Doering

    MCITP SQL 2008 Administrator + Developer

    MCDBA SQL 2000 | MCSE Windows 2000


