• Paul_Harvey (2/24/2010)

    For Field 3 - SUBSTRING([RefNumber],FINDSTRING("/",[RefNumber],3),(FINDSTRING("$",[RefNumber],3)) - FINDSTRING("/",[RefNumber],3))

    This is accepted by the Derived COlumn transformation, but when I debug the package it fails with the following:

    [Derived Column [4862]] Error: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_INDUCEDTRANSFORMFAILUREONERROR.

    The 3rd argument of Findstring specifies which occurrence of the 2nd argument you want. You've placed the number 3 there for backslash, but I only count 2 for backslash and also 3 for $, but I only see one.


    SUBSTRING([RefNumber],FINDSTRING("/",[RefNumber],2),(FINDSTRING("$",[RefNumber],1)) - FINDSTRING("/",[RefNumber],2))

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