• Peter,

    It's been a long day. I think I found a solution that will work for my XML sheets into existing tables.

    keeping all your suggestions:

    (1) - Comment section: -- Temp Table (lines: 297-301)

    add: AND e.is_identity=0 AND e.system_type_id<>189;

    (2) - Comment section: -- Physical Table (Lines: 305-309)

    add: AND e.is_identity=0 AND e-system_type_id<>189;

    In the receiving table we have 1 PK and 2 FKs so instead of adding the suggested line, I:

    chg to: AND e.max_length < 0;

    (3) - Section where RAISERROR reads ('Some non-nullable columns (Lines: 363-366)

    add: DELETE #Columns WHERE ExcelColNum = 0;

    Running the code:

    In your SQL: ImportExcel.sql Line 314 is: IF @FirstRowIsHeader=1

    Running the Sproc with these params:

    EXEC dbo.[uspImportExcelSheet]






    SELECT * FROM Sales


    A table full of NULLS

    In my xml spreadsheet, the first row is the header row, So param: @FirstRowIsHeader must be 1.

    Back to the SQL: Changing IF @FirstRowIsHeader=1 to IF @FirstRowIsHeader=0, running the same execute statements above, yields:

    ---YES--- Exactly what I was looking for. 10 rows/117 columns of xml spreadsheet data inserted into an existing table on the database without the header detail in the 1st row.

    Testing with the 13K+ rows/117 columns of xml spreadsheet data yields: Nice! Works great!

    I also tested it leaving @FirstRowIsHeader=1 in SQL and changing the param @FirstRowIsHeader=0, this resulted in the header row added as part of the data - not good.

