Home Forums SQL Server 7,2000 T-SQL Break up full name col into fname, lname cols RE: Break up full name col into fname, lname cols

  • For this type of problem I typically use a UDF. The one I'm providing here will return a table for each record. If you are only using it for a specific purpose you could certainly modify it to just return the full word for a given location. IE: 1st, 2nd, or last word.

    I did just that, and this is what I came up with:


    DROP FUNCTION dbo.f_ParseDelimitedListPart


    CREATE FUNCTION dbo.f_ParseDelimitedListPart


    @ID int, -- Used so we can link the resulting table in a query to some value

    @delimitedList nvarchar(3000), -- The list of items to parse out.

    @Delimiter nvarchar(10) = ',' , -- The delimiter used. Defaults to a comma.

    @listpart int


    RETURNS nvarchar(3000)


    DECLARE @FieldValue nvarchar(260), @string nvarchar(3000)

    DECLARE @loopCnt int, @delimLength int

    SET @loopCnt = 0

    SET @delimLength = (SELECT Len(@Delimiter))

    SET @string = ''

    WHILE CharIndex(@Delimiter, @delimitedList) > 0


    SET @loopCnt = @loopCnt + 1

    SET @FieldValue = LTrim(RTrim(SUBSTRING(@delimitedList, 1, charIndex(@Delimiter, @delimitedList)-1)))

    IF @listpart = @loopCnt

    RETURN @FieldValue

    SET @delimitedList = LTrim(RTrim(SUBSTRING(@delimitedList, (charIndex(@Delimiter, @delimitedList) + @delimLength), Len(@delimitedList))))


    IF @listpart = @loopCnt + 1

    SET @string = @delimitedList


    SET @string = ''

    RETURN @string




    Select dbo.f_ParseDelimitedListPart(1, 'Apples,Oranges', ',', 1)

    Select dbo.f_ParseDelimitedListPart(1, 'Apples,Oranges,Bananas', ',', 2)

    Select dbo.f_ParseDelimitedListPart(1, 'Apples,Oranges,Bananas', ',', 3)

    Select dbo.f_ParseDelimitedListPart(1, 'Apples,Oranges,Bananas', ',', 4)

    Select dbo.f_ParseDelimitedListPart(1, 'Apples,Oranges,Bananas', ',', 5)

    Select dbo.f_ParseDelimitedListPart(1, 'Apples//Oranges', '//', 1)

    Select dbo.f_ParseDelimitedListPart(1, 'Apples//Oranges//Bananas', '//', 2)

    Select dbo.f_ParseDelimitedListPart(1, 'Apples//Oranges//Bananas', '//', 3)

    Select dbo.f_ParseDelimitedListPart(1, 'Apples//Oranges//Bananas', '//', 4)
