• Thanks Lowell

    1/I think I am off track with the up_OACreate, I think the DLL is MPR.DLL

    But can't find reference to it being used with sp_OACreate.

    I just kind of hoped I would be lucky, the @objWNet is null straight after the sp_OACreate call.

    I also Tried

    exec sp_OACreate 'mpr.WNetGetUniversalName', @objWNet out

    but again @objWNet is null, so not much progress there!

    2/ I have realised doing this test in my scenario might not make sense as it is a user that is specifying the path.

    If the user specifies 'c:\FolderName' for a search path I won't know on server if they meant their local machine 'c:\' or the server 'c:\'. So I am thinking to prevent the user from specfying a path with a drive letter, and ask for a UNC path instead....

    Any determination of UNC path from drive letter I think I have realised would have to be done client side.