UNC Path of filename

  • How could I get the UNC path for a dirve letter filename such as



    or network


  • not sure how much help this really is;

    but i found it in two places

    by running "NET USE" in a command window, i get results that i could use with xp_cmdshell:

    Status Local Remote Network


    OK Z: \\web1\Lowell Microsoft Windows Network

    \\TFS\Sites\HDS Web Client Network

    The command completed successfully.

    i was also able to find any mapped share in the registry; but it is mapped to my SID and not a general LOCAL_MACHINE entry or anyting.


    from there, there was a "Z" folder, which internally contained the mapping and a bunch of other stuff


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  • Thanks Lowell

    I have struggled with it - thinking I am daft and should be simple...

    I found WNetGetUniversalName using this C#


    But thats means I will have to wrap/deploy in CLR - unless there is an easier way ....

  • Am out my depth here : I made this up - it returns NULL!

    ALTER FUNCTION [dbo].[fn_DriveToUNC] (@Drive VARCHAR(3))

    RETURNS varchar(1000)

    -- RBriggs 10/07/2009

    -- Get UNC path of drive letter



    declare@objWNet int

    declare @UNC varchar(1000)

    exec sp_OACreate 'WNetmpr', @objWNet out

    exec sp_OAMethod @objWNet, 'WNetGetUniversalName', @UNC out, @drive

    exec sp_OADestroy @objWNet




    SELECT dbo.fn_DriveToUNC('C:')

  • from what i just read WNetGetUniversalName 2will give you the UNC path to a shared resorce, but not a local resource;

    i think you'd have to build that yourself, and could only assume default shares, so a local drive would be something like this:

    declare @path varchar(255)

    set @path = 'C:\Program Files\CScrew'

    select '\\' + convert(varchar(255),serverproperty('machinename')) + REPLACE(@path,':\','$\')

    now how do you know the F:\ drive is local or a network resource...maybe if the code you had did not return anything from the sp_oacreat, you'd assume a local drive??


    --help us help you! If you post a question, make sure you include a CREATE TABLE... statement and INSERT INTO... statement into that table to give the volunteers here representative data. with your description of the problem, we can provide a tested, verifiable solution to your question! asking the question the right way gets you a tested answer the fastest way possible!

  • Thanks Lowell

    1/I think I am off track with the up_OACreate, I think the DLL is MPR.DLL

    But can't find reference to it being used with sp_OACreate.

    I just kind of hoped I would be lucky, the @objWNet is null straight after the sp_OACreate call.

    I also Tried

    exec sp_OACreate 'mpr.WNetGetUniversalName', @objWNet out

    but again @objWNet is null, so not much progress there!

    2/ I have realised doing this test in my scenario might not make sense as it is a user that is specifying the path.

    If the user specifies 'c:\FolderName' for a search path I won't know on server if they meant their local machine 'c:\' or the server 'c:\'. So I am thinking to prevent the user from specfying a path with a drive letter, and ask for a UNC path instead....

    Any determination of UNC path from drive letter I think I have realised would have to be done client side.

  • ok i see what you are trying to do;

    in order for this to work, the acount that is running the services will need domain admin priviledges in order to browse to the default shares like \\machinename\c$

    but it's still a variation of what i pisted, except using host_name(0 instead of the serverproperty:

    declare @path varchar(255)

    set @path = 'C:\Program Files\CScrew'

    select '\\' + convert(varchar(255),host_name()) + '\' + REPLACE(@path,':\','$\')

    the host_name() would resolve to whatever machine is connecting...hopefully from within the smae network/domain the server is on.


    --help us help you! If you post a question, make sure you include a CREATE TABLE... statement and INSERT INTO... statement into that table to give the volunteers here representative data. with your description of the problem, we can provide a tested, verifiable solution to your question! asking the question the right way gets you a tested answer the fastest way possible!

  • Thanks Lowell

    I need a user to be able to specify local and network drives, so I opted to choke if drive letter specfied, at least for now, but when there is a proper front end I could build in a drive / folder select and get the correct UNC path from that using the WNetGetUniversalName. I think in my circumstance am not sure using hostname() I won't know if 'c:' means users local drive or servers drive.

    So for now I have :

    IF LTRIM(@path) LIKE '[a-z]:%'


    RAISERROR ('Please specify UNC path, rather than a drive letter.

    For example if you wish to search network path z:\FolderName

    then specify "\\{ServerName}\FolderName.

    If you wish to specify a local drive eg c:\FolderName

    then specify \\{YourMachineName}\FolderName"',

    16, 1, N'abcde');



    I might build quick front end in Excel VBA - it would lend itself nicely as I can drop results into a new tab on each run - and won't need install of .net runtime 😉

    Many thanks

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