• Hi chri,

    i checked my query and executedb in read only server

    it will executed with in 90 secs in liked server.but in reporting server it executing only 5-15 secs.

    The query is shown below.It will executed the same result but will executed faster than char index.

    declare @date1 datetime,@date2 datetime;

    set @date1='01/20/2010';

    set @date2='01/20/2010';

    with F3F4count(F3Count,Districtid) as


    select (select distinct count(distinct br_beneficiaryid) as F3Count from

    [].[fdhs_server].TELEMONITORING.beneficiaryvisitrecords bvr

    INNER JOIN [].[fdhs_server].TELEMONITORING.beneficiaryregistration br

    ON bvr.vr_beneficiaryid=br.br_beneficiaryId where vr_formsfilled like '%f4%'

    and convert(varchar,vr_visitDate,101) between @date1 and @date2 and

    br.br_DistrictId = districtId ),Districtid

    from [].MASTERDATA.HIHLMain.District

    group by districtid


    select (select distinct count(distinct br_beneficiaryid) as F3Count from

    [].[fdhs_server].TELEMONITORING.beneficiaryvisitrecords bvr

    inner JOIN [].[fdhs_server].TELEMONITORING.beneficiaryregistration br

    ON bvr.vr_beneficiaryid=br.br_beneficiaryId where vr_formsfilled like '%f3%'

    and convert(varchar,vr_visitDate,101) between @date1 and @date2 and

    br.br_DistrictId = districtId ),Districtid

    from [].MASTERDATA.HIHLMain.District

    group by districtid


    select Districtid as District,sum(F3count) as [F3 F4 Count] from F3F4count

    group by districtid

    like the same query the second query is also taking 10 mins in linked server where the same query executed in reporting server is 10 to 20 secs only.

    can you increase this query performance.Appreciated.
