• I know, old topic but better late than never.

    I had to build calendar tables a while ago. Recently I was force to revisit this because of a little trick the accounting department played on us. We use a 4-4-5 calendar but with certain specifics.

    1: Fiscal years always start on January 1st and end on December 31.

    2: Our periods end on Fridays

    3: For 2010 they've decided to push the first period up to January 29 instead of the 22nd because they didn't want the last period to be 6 weeks long.

    Because of this I had to rewrite the code that generates my calendar tables. Here's how I do it. I use 2 tables, FiscalCalendar to keep the periods for every day of the year ans FiscalPeriods to keep.......fiscal periods :-). To speed up any code that will use them I also created a few indexes.

    Create Table FiscalCalendar


    Period char(6),

    CalDate Datetime,

    PeriodYear SmallInt,

    PeriodMonth SmallInt


    Create Index IX_FiscalCalendar_Date on FiscalCalendar (CalDate)

    Create Index IX_FiscalCalendar_Period on FiscalCalendar (Period)

    Create Table FiscalPeriods


    PeriodMonth smallint,

    PeriodStartDate Datetime,

    PeriodEndDate Datetime,

    Period char(6)


    Create Index IX_FiscalPeriods_Period on FiscalPeriods (Period)

    Create Index IX_FIscalPeriods_Month on FiscalPeriods (PeriodMonth)

    Create Index IX_FiscalPeriods_StartDate on FiscalPeriods (PeriodStartDate)

    In the code that populates the tables I use a function that I wrote a long time ago. I'm sure it could be rewritten to be much nicer but it's simple and it served me well for a long time so there's no point in rewriting it .........if it's not broken............

    ZeroFill receives and integer and returns a string of the requested length padded with leading zeroes. It is very useful to convert year 2010 period 1 into 201001.

    Create Function ZeroFill


    @myNum int,

    @myLength int


    Returns char(10)



    declare @StrValue char(20)

    declare @RetValue char(20)

    set @StrValue = cast(@myNum as char(20))

    set @RetValue = replicate('0',@MyLength-len(@strValue)) + ltrim(rtrim(@StrValue))

    return ltrim(rtrim(@Retvalue))


    And here's the procedure itself. It takes the year and the day of the first month end as parameters.

    Create Procedure CreateFiscalCalendarYear


    @Year int,

    @Day int



    Declare @YearStartdate datetime

    Declare @YearEndDate Datetime

    Declare @FirstClosingDate Datetime

    Declare @NumDays int

    Declare @Weeks01 int

    Declare @Weeks02 int

    Declare @Weeks03 int

    Declare @Weeks04 int

    Declare @Weeks05 int

    Declare @Weeks06 int

    Declare @Weeks07 int

    Declare @Weeks08 int

    Declare @Weeks09 int

    Declare @Weeks10 int

    Declare @Weeks11 int

    Declare @Weeks12 int

    -- The 12 @Weeks variables keep the week numbers of each month end.

    Set @FirstClosingDate = cast(@Year as char(04)) + '-01-' + dbo.zerofill(@Day,2)

    Set @YearStartDate = cast(@Year -1 as char(4)) + '-12-31'

    Set @YearEndDate = cast(@Year as char(4)) + '-12-31'

    -- Note that I set my @YearStartDate variable to the last day of the previous year.

    -- That's because it's used to calculate the number of days of my year using DateX - DateY

    -- and I want it include January 1st. Not very nice but efficient and that calculation is

    -- necessary because we need to know if we're on a 365 days year or 366.

    -- Get the week of the first month end. This will be either 1 or 2.

    -- Then apply the remaining of a 4-4-5 "mask" to get the other week numbers.

    Set @Weeks01 = DatePart(Week, @FirstClosingDate)

    Set @Weeks02 = @Weeks01 + 4

    Set @Weeks03 = @Weeks02 + 5

    Set @Weeks04 = @Weeks03 + 4

    Set @Weeks05 = @Weeks04 + 4

    Set @Weeks06 = @Weeks05 + 5

    Set @Weeks07 = @Weeks06 + 4

    Set @Weeks08 = @Weeks07 + 4

    Set @Weeks09 = @Weeks08 + 5

    Set @Weeks10 = @Weeks09 + 4

    Set @Weeks11 = @Weeks10 + 4

    Set @Weeks12 = @Weeks11 + 5

    -- Get the number of days in the year. We will use it to create the

    -- right number of records in the FiscalCalendar table.

    Set @NumDays = (select DateDiff(day, @YearStartDate,@YearEndDate ))

    -- We all make mistakes and sometimes we have to re-run the code. Since our tables

    -- may already contain the information for the year we're working with we need to clean

    -- it up

    Delete from FiscalCalendar where year(CalDate) = @Year

    Delete from FiscalPeriods where Year(PeriodStartDate) = @Year

    -- and then create our data starting with the FiscalCalendar table.

    -- Using a Tally table (Thanks Jeff ;)) we can easily create our @Numdays records.

    Insert Into FiscalCalendar


    CalDate, PeriodYear


    Select top (@NumDays)

    DateAdd(Day, N, @YearStartDate), year(DateAdd(Day, N, @YearStartDate))

    FromTally1000 order by N

    -- Next I update the period month for the days that mark the end of a period.

    -- Using dense_rank and my @Weeks variable I can create a memory table

    -- that will hold my 12 end dates.

    -- Note that "where datepart(weekday,caldate) = 6 specifies my periods

    -- end on Fridays, which is day 6 of the week.

    Declare @myTable Table


    Mydate datetime,

    pMonth int


    insert into @myTable

    Select CalDate, dense_rank()

    over(partition by year(CalDate) order by CalDate)

    from fiscalcalendar where datepart(weekday, CalDate) = 6 and

    datepart(week,CalDate) in


    @Weeks01, @Weeks02, @Weeks03, @Weeks04, @Weeks05, @Weeks06,

    @Weeks07, @Weeks08, @Weeks09, @Weeks10, @Weeks11, @Weeks12


    -- And then write them back to the FiscalCalendar table. The other columns will be

    -- populated later.

    Update FiscalCalendar

    set PeriodMonth = a.pMonth

    from @myTable a

    where myDate = fiscalcalendar.CalDate

    -- Time to get started with the FiscalPeriods table.

    -- We start by creating our 12 records. This is pretty easy since

    -- we happen to have 12 records in the FiscalCalendar table that

    -- have their period end dates.

    insert into FiscalPeriods




    Select CalDate

    From fiscalcalendar

    where PeriodMonth is not null and year(caldate) = @Year

    order by Caldate

    -- Then we need to update the PeriodStartDate and PeriodEndDate columns.

    -- Two of them are easy. We know that the start date of the first period is January 1

    -- and that the end date of the last period is December 31.


    setPeriodStartDate = cast(year(PeriodEndDate) as char) + '-01-01'

    wheremonth(PeriodEndDate) = 1 and Year(PeriodEndDate) = @Year


    setPeriodEndDate = cast(year(PeriodEndDate) as char) + '-12-31'

    wheremonth(PeriodEndDate) = 12 and Year(PeriodEndDate) = @Year

    -- With those values in the table we can use a sub-query to update each PeriodStartDate

    -- with the previous PeriodEndDate + 1

    Update FiscalPeriods

    setPeriodStartDate =


    select dateadd(day, 1, max(PeriodEndDate))

    fromFiscalPeriods a

    where a.PeriodEndDate < fiscalPeriods.PeriodEndDate


    where PeriodStartDate is null and Year(PeriodEndDate) = @Year

    -- The FiscalPeriods table require one last update to populate

    -- the Period column. Once again I'm using a memory table

    -- and dense_rank

    declare @MyTable2 Table


    Period Char(4),

    PeriodStartDate datetime,

    PeriodEndDate datetime


    Insert into @MyTable2

    select dense_rank()

    over(partition by year(PeriodStartDate)

    order by PeriodEndDate), PeriodStartDate, PeriodEndDate

    From FiscalPeriods

    where Year(PeriodStartDate) = @Year

    -- With my memory table loaded I only need to delete records for that year

    -- in my physical table and reload it.

    Delete from FiscalPeriods where Year(PeriodStartDate) = @Year

    Insert into FiscalPeriods


    PeriodMonth, PeriodStartDate, PeriodEndDate, Period


    Select Period, PeriodStartDate, PeriodEndDate,

    cast(year(periodstartdate) as char(4))+ dbo.zerofill(period,2)

    from @MyTable2

    -- With my FiscalPeriods table complete, I can come back to the FiscalCalendar

    -- table and update the empty columns that I didn't handle before from

    -- the FiscalPeriods table

    -- Period Months


    setPeriodMonth = a.PeriodMonth

    From FiscalPeriods a

    wherePeriodYear = @Year and caldate between a.PeriodStartDate and


    -- Period Codes


    setPeriod = cast(PeriodYear as char(4)) + dbo.zerofill(PeriodMonth,2)

    wherePeriodYear = @Year

    -- And create the procedure


    Now I can add a year to my fiscal calendar with a simple procedure call passing it the year and the day of the first month end.

    Exec CreateFiscalCalendarYear 2010, 29

    My FiscalCalendar table contains an auto-increment integer column defined as Primary Key which I didn't put here. It's used to build relations with other tables to create fiscal calendar dimensions in my cubes.

    I also have a number of Fiscal Calendar oriented functions that are used in other processes.

    GetShortDate(): Very useful when trying to link a datetime field that contains the time part with the calendar.

    Create Function GetShortDate


    @vDate datetime


    returns datetime



    declare @wDate datetime


    Return @wDate


    Getting the start date of the fiscal period for a given date.

    Create Function GetFiscalBOM(@Date Datetime) returns Datetime



    Declare @RetValue datetime

    Select @RetValue = PeriodStartDate

    from FiscalPeriods

    where @Date between PeriodStartDate and PeriodEndDate

    Return @RetValue


    Getting the Period Code (YYYYMM) for a given date

    Create Function GetFiscalPeriod(@Date datetime) returns Char(6)



    Declare @RetValue char(6)

    select @RetValue = period

    from FiscalCalendar

    where CalDate = dbo.getshortdate(@Date)

    Return @RetValue


    Getting the start date of a given period

    Create Function GetPeriodStartdate(@Period char(6))

    returns datetime



    Declare @RetValue Datetime

    Select @RetValue = PeriodStartDate From FiscalPeriods

    where Period = @Period

    Return @RetValue


    I'm sure some will criticize my code and come up with much nicer ways of doing this but so far I haven't seen any code on the forum to build a 4-4-5 calendar starting on January 1st, ending on December 31 and with a first month end date different than where 4 weeks puts you.

    Hopefully it can help some people. At least it will show Jeff one more coder who actually did it......I even use the Tally table technique that I learned from your article 🙂