Home Forums SQL Server 2005 Development Query difference: HOw to Avoiding UNION ALL with correlated Query RE: Query difference: HOw to Avoiding UNION ALL with correlated Query

  • Hi Bhuvnesh


    reg_id = dr.reg_id,

    invitee_id = di.invitee_id,

    contact_type = isnull(ct.cont_type_name, ''),

    item_id = I.item_id,

    item_type = i.item_type,

    item_category = I.item_category,

    item_name = I.item_name,

    item_code = I.item_code,

    fee_name = f.fee_name,

    start_date = I.session_start_date,

    end_date = I.session_end_date,

    reg_date = ae.created_date,

    item_quantity = ae.prod_qty,

    item_price = bd.bskt_dtl_price_tier_amt,

    eligible_credit = I.credit_value,

    participant_flag = case

    when pe.acct_id is null then 0

    else 1 end,

    cv_acct_id = ae.acct_id,

    cv_entity_stub = ae.entity_stub,

    cv_entity_type_id = ae.entity_type_id,

    cv_prod_stub = ae.prod_stub

    from [dbo].[ATTENDEE_ENTITY] ae with (nolock)

    join [dbo].[DMP_EVENT_ITEM] I with (nolock)

    on I.cv_acct_id = ae.acct_id and I.cv_evt_stub = ae.evt_stub

    AND ae.prod_stub = I.cv_prod_stub

    left join [dbo].[CONTACT_TYPE] ct with (nolock)

    on ct.acct_id = ae.acct_id and ct.cont_type_stub = ae.cont_type_stub

    left join [dbo].[BASKET_DETAIL] bd with (nolock)

    on bd.acct_id = ae.acct_id and bd.bskt_dtl_stub = ae.bskt_dtl_stub

    left join [dbo].[FEE] f with (nolock)

    on f.acct_id = bd.acct_id and f.fee_stub = bd.bskt_dtl_fee_stub

    join [dbo].[DMP_EVENT_INVITEE] di with (nolock)

    on di.cv_acct_id = ae.acct_id

    --- Changes

    and Case When ISNULL(cv_cont_stub,0) != 0 THEN di.cv_cont_stub ELSE di.cv_free_stub END = ae.entity_stub

    --and di.cv_free_stub = '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'

    --- /Changes

    and di.cv_evt_stub = i.cv_evt_stub

    join [dbo].[DMP_EVENT_REGISTRATION] dr (nolock)

    on dr.invitee_id = di.invitee_id and dr.event_id = di.event_id

    left join [dbo].[PARTICIPANT_ENTITY] pe (nolock)

    on pe.acct_id = ae.acct_id

    and pe.evt_stub = ae.evt_stub and pe.prod_stub = i.cv_prod_stub and pe.entity_stub = ae.entity_stub


    --- Change

    ae.entity_type_id = Case When ISNULL(cv_cont_stub,0) != 0 THEN 3 ELSE 10 END


    AND ae.acct_id = 2000022

    Please let me know if this helps....:)