• VALEK (1/6/2010)

    The question is trying to test the knowledge of temp tables with TSQL transactions, and does it very badly.

    There is not enough information.

    You should not require any database installed on your computer, and in fact should not even try to run the statement to answer for it would be cheating.

    The question sucks.

    There is one answer missing, which is correct -- UNKNOWN.

    Try not to take the question of the day so personally. I agree that the question has some issues and I didn’t like it, but you don’t have to be so blunt in your message. I also disagree that the only answer that could be correct is unknown. For example let take the same question and give you the fallowing options:

    1)First select statements returned 10 records. Second returned 0 records

    2)First select statement returned 10 records. Second returned 10 records.

    3)First select statement returned 0 records. Second returned 10 records.

    I think that given those options, the correct answer can be the first one (notice that unknown was not in the options).


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