• Vinay Thakur-585143 (12/29/2009)

    I apologize for my english. I was in hurry while posting the QOD, the only thing I would like to share was my experience on replication that when we uninstall the named instance on the server (irrespective of that instance in involved into replication or not) replication on that server will fail.

    It should be like this"

    We have server ABC and installed two instance on it ABC\First and ABC\Second. we setup the Transactional replication from ABC (Default) to ABC\First. after 1 week we UNinstalled instance ABC\Second(control panel\add remove program\... UNINstall ABC\Second).

    even ABC\Second is not involved in replication the replication between default instance and ABC\First will failed) --- Also this I tested on Sql server 2000"

    This is very interesting stuff I observed and would like to share.... but everybody was laughing on my english.... 🙂

    I blog for the same :


    I learned a lot on QOD so want to contribute my one cent.

    I agree that my english is not so good.

    Hello, Vinay,

    Thank you for the clarification. I'm sorry you had to have people mocking your English. The question should have been phrased better, but regardless of any trouble anyone had in reading the question, that was no excuse for comments that insult or mock you. Several other members have written expressing the same sentiment, so I hope you won't be discouraged from posting future questions due to a few mocking comments.

    My original comment (that I couldn't even hazard a guess for the answer from the question) was not intended as mockery of you (in fact I was mocking myself), but now that I have seen the other comments and read your comment in particular, I apologize personally if I unintentionally insulted you.



    A SQL query walks into a bar and sees two tables. He walks up to them and asks, "Can I join you?"
    Ref.: http://tkyte.blogspot.com/2009/02/sql-joke.html