Home Forums SQL Server 2005 T-SQL (SS2K5) Find Max Field Length Multiple Tables and Multiple Fields RE: Find Max Field Length Multiple Tables and Multiple Fields

  • here you go Roger; a project like this has to use the metadata to determine which columns to query, so using a cursor in this case is fine;

    the logic is pretty obvious: get all the char-type columns, get their defined size, and find the max length as it exists in the table.

    i'm stuffing the data into a global temp table and finally ordering the info back with a final query of the results. watch for MaxActualLength=0, since that's nulls or no rows in the database, which might not be representative of future data.

    example results:

    TableName ColumnName DefinedLength MaxActualLength

    example exampleid 8 0

    example exampletext 30 0

    Z_Data_Extract_Activity_C06350_1_TXT RAWDATA 8000 779

    the query:

    select sysobjects.name as TableName,

    syscolumns.name as ColumnName,

    TYPE_NAME(syscolumns.xtype) AS VariableType,

    syscolumns.length AS DefinedLength,

    0 as MaxActualLength

    into ##tmp

    from sysobjects

    inner join syscolumns on sysobjects.id=syscolumns.id

    where sysobjects.xtype='U'


    @isql varchar(2000),

    @tbname varchar(64),

    @clname varchar(64)

    declare c1 cursor for

    select TableName,ColumnName from ##tmp where VariableType in('varchar','char','nvarchar','nchar')

    open c1

    fetch next from c1 into @tbname,@clname

    While @@fetch_status <> -1


    select @isql = 'UPDATE ##TMP SET MaxActualLength = (SELECT ISNULL(max(DATALENGTH(@clname)),0) FROM @tbname) WHERE TableName =''@tbname'' and ColumnName =''@clname'''

    select @isql = replace(@isql,'@tbname',@tbname)

    select @isql = replace(@isql,'@clname',@clname)

    print @isql


    fetch next from c1 into @tbname,@clname


    close c1

    deallocate c1

    select * from ##tmp

    order by TableName,ColumnName


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