• I guessed rigtht, but only because I knew it had to begin with 'Question' and there was only one answer that did that. If there'd been an option for 'Question day' then I'd have gone for that and got it wrong 🙂

    Thinking about it, if you do

    select @txt = ' ' + a from xxx order by i

    then the variable ends up with the value 'day'. This is presumably because it applies the assignment to each and every row, so it ends up with the value of the last one. I'd assumed that it was more 'intelligent' than this and just did the assignement once, for the last row. That is what is implied by BOL which says "If the SELECT statement returns more than one value, the variable is assigned the last value that is returned."


    But if it actually does it once per row then it makes sense that

    select @txt = @txt + ' ' + a from xxx order by i

    should end up with a concatentation of all the values.