• Yep. By default the answer is "yes" - it's what I do.

    We have in my office, however, a "5 o'clock Donna". In any given week you can count on her to come up with some urgent request after 4PM that "absolutely has to be done today" at least once. It gets old. Everything that comes from this person is a crisis. She's been well trained to know that we'll handle any crisis as long as it's presented that way. She'll resort to crying if she has to.

    Personally, I don't jump anymore for her (very often). As a result she doesn't come directly to me with her troubles very often anymore.

    The problem here is these things may be critical for the company to keep clients but more often than not she's known about them for over a week and not said anything. So what to do in a situation like that. We're not a huge company. The loss of one major client could be catastrophic. I'm not "an IT guy" exclusively. I have a life that doesn't involve SQL or my company. I have kids to pick up from day care and get fed and play with. I have a dog at home that really wants to go out. I like my job but I'm not my job.

    There's a balance to be found I guess. It's no different from most other jobs. I just take things as they come and deal with them the best I can.