• Weighing in from a security perspective, a lot of what is being said here is disconcerting. I'll offer a few brief comments:

    All of these cases make use of BULK INSERT. This would require users to be placed in the bulkadmin role... not typically a good idea. The reason for bulkadmin here is to avoid the use of xp_cmdshell, which has obvious security concerns.

    With that said, the idea of the code existing in a file and potentially outside of the control of the DBAs makes the job of maintaining security on the SQL Server that much more difficult. What essentially is being done here is the SQL Server DBAs are being tasked with all the responsibility but none of the authority... they don't control who has access to the file.

    Case 3 can be handled by creating the stored procedure and using WITH ENCRYPTION. So long as the developer has neither sysadmin rights nor the ability to CREATE PROC with the database, the encryption angle is covered.

    K. Brian Kelley


    Author: Start to Finish Guide to SQL Server Performance Monitoring


    K. Brian Kelley