• I didn’t actually use the For Each Loop container, as I don’t connect to all my SQL Servers using Windows credentials.

    But, if you do, here’s how you would use one:

    1. In your SSIS package, you would need a VB script task that would itself have a For Each loop routine to iterate through all the SQL Servers on your network. All this routine would do is build a string list of all the SQL Server names.

    2. Save the string of server names to a SSIS variable.

    3. Create a For Each Loop container in the SSIS package and inside the loop iterate through the SSIS server name variable and update another SSIS variable that contains the connection string that is used by your OLE DB Source connection manager.

    4. Then just follow the article steps to run the SQL Script to save the output to the designated OLE destination database.

    Hope this helps!