• MarkusB (11/26/2009)

    Strictly speaking you can create a job in SQL 2005 Express as well. All the necessary stored procedures in the msdb are there and you can execute them succesfully. You cannot execute them on a schedule because there's no SQL Agent, but a job exists.

    Just try this:

    USE msdb ;


    EXEC dbo.sp_add_job

    @job_name = N'Daily Backup' ;


    select * from sysjobs


    Exec dbo.sp_delete_job @job_name = N'Daily Backup' ;

    I think the question should be in which version can you execute jobs on a schedule.

    I would have to agree with this. The question in this scenario just does not quite seem to match properly. The question asks what editions can you create a job in SQL Server, far different from being able to schedule a job.

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
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