• Check http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms188383.aspx :w00t:

    BTW: correct link for GetDate to this, there are double DateAdd links


    The following examples use the six SQL Server system functions that return current date and time to return the date, time, or both. The values are returned in series; therefore, their fractional seconds might be different.

    A. Getting the current system date and time







    Here is the result set.

    SYSDATETIME() 2007-04-30 13:10:02.0474381

    SYSDATETIMEOFFSET()2007-04-30 13:10:02.0474381 -07:00

    SYSUTCDATETIME() 2007-04-30 20:10:02.0474381

    CURRENT_TIMESTAMP 2007-04-30 13:10:02.047

    GETDATE() 2007-04-30 13:10:02.047

    GETUTCDATE() 2007-04-30 20:10:02.047

    Do you find GETDATE and GETUTCDATE results the same :blink:

    Check getutcdate Example A ➡ same story

    Not all of us reside in UK time zone :crazy: