• As a woman in technology, I get some really interesting comments. The industry the company I work for is in is definitely a male dominated industry. It is not uncommon for me to be in a meeting of 50 people where I am the only woman in the room. During a break in one such meeting, a guy pulled me aside and asked, "Wow, at your age and as a woman, how are you able to learn new things and stay up on technology?"

    True story. I just smiled at him. He didn't mean to be condescending.

    I use initials instead of my first name, and have ever since I was a child. It is almost inevitable that I have an email correspondence across a couple of months, and maybe a couple of conference calls, and the whole time be assumed to be male. Its kind of funny when I finally meet someone and they realize that I'm an upper middle-aged woman. I should probably find ways to correct that assumption before meeting in person, but I get a kick out of it!