'DRIVER={SQL Server};SERVER=IPaddress;UID=xxx;PWD=xxx,

    RAIS.dbo.LMS_Discipline) AS a

    the above query working fine as between two server in version of sql server 2000, source sql server 2000 32bit and sp4

    destination server sql server 2008, 64 bit.

    The above query try to execute in sql 2008 machine does not working, i could try to change SQLNCLI insted of SQLOLEDB, but it was not hope.

    Error Msg:

    OLE DB provider "SQLNCLI10" for linked server "(null)" returned message "Unspecified error".

    OLE DB provider "SQLNCLI10" for linked server "(null)" returned message "The stored procedure required to complete this operation could not be found on the server. Please contact your system administrator.".

    Msg 7311, Level 16, State 2, Line 1

    Cannot obtain the schema rowset "DBSCHEMA_TABLES_INFO" for OLE DB provider "SQLNCLI10" for linked server "(null)". The provider supports the interface, but returns a failure code when it is used.


    Thanks for help.

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