• I periodically get emails extorting me to sign up for a PASS conference which I've never done. Beyond that I have no idea why I would join PASS. SSC has a great website with lots of articles and forums so I see a benefit in being involved here but I can't see why I'd be part of PASS. I guess the thats the question that PASS must answer. Why are they relavent and how can they encourage people to join. They aren't the only conference in town. I recently attended the Power up with SQL Server online conference and I know of the SSWUG.ORG Virtual conferences which my management likes better since there is no travel time and its cheaper. As much as I enjoy travel I don't even understand why I would join PASS. Maybe I'll put of effort in addrtessing this question and look more carefully and their website and what's being offered. But so far I'm not convinced.
