Randomly Select Record From Join Result

  • Hi All,

    Here is what I am trying to do.

    I am joining two tables the records in table 1 can match multiple records in table two.

    I need to randomly select one record from the resultset.

    The query below returns 4 rows for each account id along with a Random identifier.

    How can I select one record from the result set for each record in a RANDOM order ie the final resultset will have two records one for account id 1 and one for accountid 2.





    SELECT AccountID, NewAccountId , NewId() Random

    into #a


    ( select 1 AccountId,2 NewAccountId

    UNION ALL select 1,3

    UNION ALL select 1,4

    UNION ALL select 1,5

    UNION ALL select 2,6

    UNION ALL select 2,7

    UNION ALL select 2,8

    UNION ALL select 2,9


    select * from #a

  • This will pick random rows from your table without regard to the sequence of the [NewAccountID] or [Random] columns.

    ;with cte as (select row_number() over(partition by accountid order by newid()) as rowID,* from #a)

    select * from cte where rowID = 1

    This generally performs well with sets of rows numbering up to tens of thousands.

    If the NewAccountIDs are not interleaved with AccountID, you could also get min/max values of NewAccountIds and randomly pick a row from each range.


    Against stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain. -- Friedrich Schiller
    Stop, children, what's that sound? Everybody look what's going down. -- Stephen Stills

  • SELECT TOP 1 AccountID, NewAccountId from #a

    ORDER BY CASE WHEN CAST((RAND() * 10) AS INT)%2 = 0 THEN AccountID ELSE NewAccountId END ASC

    Using newid() method is more "random" though.

    "Keep Trying"

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