• Hello All,

    I wonder if anyone can help. I am passing xml to a stored procedure, and would like to iterate through it and save values to few different tables. I need to be able to detect the element name, and its attributes. I am including an xml string that will be passed to a stored procedure. Your help is greatly appreciated.....

    <topic id="1" soundon="true" language="true">

    <page id="1">

    <zone id="1" x="50" y="185" width="540" height="600">

    <textbox id="1">text</textbox>


    <zone id="2" x="620" y="90" width="430" height="765">

    <graphic x="620" y="90" width="430" height="765" linCol="0x314d5b" fillCol="0x314d5b"></graphic>

    <main_image alpha="0.2" x="620" y="90" width="645" height="645">http://www.learninglink12.edcomm.com/CMS/assets/images/right_legsondesk.jpg</main_image&gt;

    <textbox id="1" x="20" y="90" width="320">text</textbox>



    <page id="2">

    <zone id="1" x="50" y="185" width="540" height="600">

    <textbox id="1">text</textbox>


    <zone id="2" x="620" y="90" width="430" height="765">

    <main_image alpha="0.2" x="620" y="90" width="645" height="645">http://www.learninglink12.edcomm.com/CMS/assets/images/right_meeting3.jpg</main_image&gt;


