• I guess this makes people like me part of Generation W, or if you like, old farts, fossils, whatever. We were there before there were any PC's on desktops, and I still chuckle to think that the first computer I worked on in business filled an entire room and yet had less power than one of today's gaming consoles.

    But I do take exception to the statement; "I'd like to think my generation is more interested and excited by technology than older or younger ones."

    I certainly would not agree with "excited by technology". I would say "blinded by technology". Consider; we now know that each year cell phones are responsible for thousands of traffic accidents (1,200 in California alone in one year), some of them fatal. But each and every day I see younger people still texting and talking away - about what? - likely nothing, willing to "play" with their technology cause its "cool". Some of the younger folks who work for me come in all lathered up with their latest iPhone, Bluetooth, whatever, and when you ask "Why did you get that?" they have no real answer other than "its so cool". These youngsters always "need" the latest laptop, the latest Blackberry, the latest anything in technology, and yet they have no clue why they need the latest - at least none they can verbalize.

    Technology is great thing, my generation learned that by making it work for us. Today, technology seems often more like crack cocaine to the younger folks. They get hooked, and they use and use, and never ask why they are doing what they are doing. All they seem to know is that they cant live without it - and I don't see that as any kind of good thing.

    There's no such thing as dumb questions, only poorly thought-out answers...