• It looks like it is the status column you are after but it is the addition of the bits. Someone has probably written a script to query this but here are the definition from BOL.

    Status bits, some of which can be set by using ALTER DATABASE as noted:

    1 = autoclose (ALTER DATABASE)

    4 = select into/bulkcopy (ALTER DATABASE using SET RECOVERY)

    8 = trunc. log on chkpt (ALTER DATABASE using SET RECOVERY)

    16 = torn page detection (ALTER DATABASE)

    32 = loading

    64 = pre recovery

    128 = recovering

    256 = not recovered

    512 = offline (ALTER DATABASE)

    1024 = read only (ALTER DATABASE)

    2048 = dbo use only (ALTER DATABASE using SET RESTRICTED_USER)

    4096 = single user (ALTER DATABASE)

    32768 = emergency mode

    4194304 = autoshrink (ALTER DATABASE)

    1073741824 = cleanly shutdown

    Multiple bits can be ON at the same time.