Step fails, but job reports success.

  • I have a job that has multiple steps. Each step is set to 'Go to next step' on success or failure, except for the last step which is set to 'Quit the job reporting success/failure'. If the last step fails I get an email notification. If a step other than the last step fails I do not receive an email notification.

    I am looking for a way to monitor jobs so I am aware when something like this happens. As anyone run into this? Any suggestions?

    I am starting to look at the msdb database tables. I am thinking of setting up a Reporting Services report that queries these tables and emails me the results daily.

    Does anyone have any ideas on how I could receive a failure notification instantly? Maybe a trigger? I have very little experience with triggers.

  • Maybe on failure you should use "Quit the job reporting success" ? Or maybe you can make a query against msdb.dbo.sysjobhistory ?

  • Do you still actually want the job to continue if one of the steps fail? if not then just change the failure action to "quit the job reporting failure". Assuming you do want the job to continue then you would have to start querying the system tables to retreive the step status'.

  • I am using the following trigger I found on SQL Server Central.

    USE [msdb]







    -- Object Type : Trigger

    -- Object Name : msdb..trg_stepfailures

    -- Description : Send notifications on job STEP failures (trigger)

    -- Author : By Kenneth Singer

    -- Date : August 2009


    CREATE trigger [dbo].[trg_stepfailures]

    on [dbo].[sysjobhistory]

    for insert


    declare @strMsg varchar(400),

    @strRecipient varchar(128),

    @copyRecipient varchar(128),

    @bccRecipient varchar(128)

    set @strRecipient = ''

    set @copyRecipient = ''

    set @bccRecipient = '''

    if exists (select * from inserted where run_status = 0 and step_name '(job outcome)')


    select @strMsg =

    convert(char(10),'Server') + char(58) + @@servername +

    char(10) +

    convert(char(10),'Job') + char(58) + convert(varchar(50), +

    char(10) +

    convert(char(10),'Step') + char(58) + convert(varchar(50), inserted.step_name)+

    char(10) +

    convert(char(10),'Message') + char(58) + convert(varchar(150), inserted.message)



    oninserted.job_id = sysjobs.job_id

    whereinserted.run_status = 0

    raiserror (@strMsg, 16, 10) with log

    exec msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail

    @recipients = @strRecipient,

    @copy_recipients = @copyRecipient,

    @blind_copy_recipients = @bccRecipient,

    @body = @strMsg,

    @subject = 'Job Failure'


  • I had this once where it would remain as Red x that it didn't run but it had run. I ended up just adding a new job and deleting it in the end...

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