• Thanks for the article, makes me look forward to our upcoming migration from 2000 to 2008.

    However, I have to ask why you would actually try to use recursion for the 2000 example? Especially with the well-known issues around nesting, why provide such a solution? When I need to do hierarchies, I use something more like this:

    create procedure EmployeeHierarchy

    @EmpID int


    declare @out table (EmpID int, EmpName varchar(255), ReportsTo int)

    insert into @out

    selectEmpID, EmpName, ReportsTo


    whereEmpID = @EmpID

    while @@rowcount > 0

    insert into @out

    selectEmpID, EmpName, ReportsTo


    whereReportsTo in (select EmpID from @out)

    and EmpID not in (select EmpID from @out)

    select o.EmpID, o.EmpName, e.EmpName Manager

    from @out o

    inner joinEmployees_2000_2005 e

    ono.ReportsTo = e.EmpID

    order by 1


    A routine like this self-limits, so no infinite loops in cases when somebody messes up the list. No problems with recursion levels either. If the @out table gets too big, convert it to a temp table with indexes.

    Or am I just missing something?

    Again, thanks for the article!