The title of programmer/administrator is obsolete. When anything that is built or manufactured in this country the item is subject to design approval and an inspection. Does this process result in perfect outcomes? It depends on the level of craftsmanship, materials used, and the PROCESS that was used for implementation of the original or final design. There has to be some sort of accountability on the part of so-called "developers", "engineers", and "architects". The current state of things has to stop. How about code reviews performed by "certified" independent third parties? How about the same for design? How about hardware/software implementations as well? Salaries go up as a result of the limited number of competent people that can work under these conditions. Efficiency is achieved as a result of focusing effort on doing things methodically and only touching a portion of a solution when it makes good business sense to do such a thing. Let's all haul keister so that we no longer have to work in our grandfather's or our father's IT environments.