• You can take the backup of

    Master key as well as the Certificate with the below mentioned scripts:

    From the Instance which you've restored from your backup

    backup master key to file = 'c:\mk.dat'

    encryption by password = 'Pass@12'

    backup certificate mycert to file = 'c:\cert21.dat'

    with private key(

    encryption by password = 'sarab',

    file = 'c:\cert21_key.dat')

    To Restore the same on your test server Use these Scripts

    restore master key from file = 'Z:\mk.dat'

    decryption by password = 'Pass@12'

    encryption by password = 'Pass@12'

    create certificate mycert from file = 'Z:\cert21.dat'

    with private key(file = 'Z:\cert21_key.dat',

    decryption by password = 'sarab')

    NOTE: Use Encryption by option while creating\Restoring Certificate\Master Key only if you specified the password while creating Master Key or Certificate on your server & use the same password in the ENCRYPTION BY option.

    Test this if u face any problem, let me know.

    Sarabpreet Singh 😎
    Twitter: @Sarab_SQLGeek