• Can you explain why you are using varbinary column to store plain text?

    In any case here is a small demo that shows you what to do in case that the text is stored as binary data. I recommend that you'll consider using one of the string data types (char, varchar, nchar or nvarchar) instead of varbinary data type.

    create table Demo (vb varbinary(100))


    --Inserting 3 records into the table

    insert into Demo (vb)

    select convert(varbinary(100),'Why whould you use a varbinary column?')


    select convert(varbinary(100),'When you store plain text,')


    select convert(varbinary(100),'you should use one of the strings data type')


    --Getting all the values as binary values

    select vb from Demo

    --Getting all the values as string by using convert function

    select convert(varchar(100), vb) from Demo

    --Getting only one of the records by using convert and like operator

    --Notice that this will prevent the use of index, and if the table

    --is a big table, you'll might have performance problems.

    select convert(varchar(100), vb) from Demo where convert(varchar(100),vb) like '%store%'


    drop table Demo


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