• So cancel this afternoon's massage and spa treatment and do a little local shopping - there are great deals to be had.

    Blandry: The spa treatment comment had me rolling. Thanks. I should explain the irony. About every morning all the IT folks including myself go help pull products out of our sweaty warehouse for half hour to an hour to fulfill orders. Around here, we're not exactly what you could call pampered prima donnas.

    But I get it. In these tough economic times...

    Every time you hear that intro, you know you're in for it. In these tough economic times, I maybe shouldn't complain about sitting on a glorified plank of wood all day. But then if I go out, buy a chair, that will stimulate the economy ever so slightly and maybe speed the recovery.

    Bill Nicolich: www.SQLFave.com.
    Daily tweet of what's new and interesting: AppendNow