• Jeff Moden (7/24/2009)

    Mark (7/13/2009)

    I think both functions can be simplified

    create function dbo.ConvertIp2Num(@ip nvarchar(15))

    returns bigint



    return ((cast(parsename(@ip,4) as bigint)*256+

    cast(parsename(@ip,3) as bigint))*256+

    cast(parsename(@ip,2) as bigint))*256+

    cast(parsename(@ip,1) as bigint)


    That won't return the correct answer... the octets must be multiplied by powers of 256.

    select dbo.ConvertIp2Num('') -- gives 3222211197

    The nesting of the multiplys gives the effect of multiplying by powers of 256. (Look at the brackets)


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