• ktlady (6/20/2009)

    I have a table (tableA) with following format while Column1 is primary key and Column2 is delimited with ":".

    Column1 Column2

    a1 1:3:5:6

    a2 2:4:5

    I'd like to use stored procedure to transform tableA to tableB and insert into tableB as following:

    Column1 Column2

    a1 1

    a1 3

    a1 5

    a1 6

    a2 2

    a2 4

    a2 5

    In case of tableB, the primary key would become Column1 & Column2.

    Could someone help me with the T-SQL stored procedure code in handling this?

    Thanks a lot!

    You can use some xml to do the trick...

    -- first make a temp table to hold the sample data

    declare @Tmp table (

    ColumnA char(2),

    ColumnB varchar(50),

    TmpCol XML NULL) --<<<<< NOTE the new column being added

    -- put the sample data into the temp table.

    -- NOTICE how this makes it so much easier for people to just copy and start testing

    insert into @Tmp (ColumnA, ColumnB)

    select 'a1', '1:3:5:6' UNION ALL

    select 'a2', '2:4:5'

    -- update the xml column by replacing the delimiter with XML tags,

    -- and putting the appropriate XML tags around the string.

    update @Tmp

    set TmpCol = '' + replace(ColumnB, ':', '') + ''

    -- shred the xml data apart into individual rows

    select T.ColumnA,

    x.data.value('.','int') AS ColumnB


    from @Tmp T

    CROSS APPLY TmpCol.nodes('/rows/row') AS x(data)



    a1 1

    a1 3

    a1 5

    a1 6

    a2 2

    a2 4

    a2 5

    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server 2008
    Author - SQL Server T-SQL Recipes

    If you can't explain to another person how the code that you're copying from the internet works, then DON'T USE IT on a production system! After all, you will be the one supporting it!
    For better assistance in answering your questions
    Performance Problems
    Common date/time routines
    Understanding and Using APPLY Part 1 & Part 2