• You can remove the big CASE clause within the CTE and build the query dynamically. Something like below...

    Create procedure dbo.Product_SEL_PD-- 'code','desc',10,1

    @SortColumn nvarchar(255),

    @SortDirection nvarchar(4) = 'asc' ,

    @rowsPerPage int = 10,

    @pageNum int = 100000,

    @SQL nvarchar(2000)


    some checks here to prevent SQL Injection from nvarchar columns


    set @SQL = '

    ;WITH PaginatedProduct AS (

    SELECT Top(@rowsPerPage * @pageNum)

    ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY ' + @SortColumn + ' ' + @SortDirection + ') AS RowNumber,


    FROM dbo.Product


    select * from PaginatedProduct WHERE RowNumber > ((@pageNum - 1) * @rowsPerPage) ORDER BY RowNumber


    EXEC sp_executesql @SQL, N'@rowsPerPage int, @pageNum int', @RowsPerPage = @RowsPerPage, @pageNum = @pageNum
